
Combining Evaluation Tools May Detect Early Signs of SMA: Study

Combining two clinical assessment tools helped recognize early neurological signs in infants with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) who were identified through a newborn screening program, a study suggested. Even in the absence of obvious clinical signs, infants typically defined as presymptomatic may have minimal signs, such as poor muscle…

MicroRNAs Can Predict Response to Spinraza, Study Suggests

MicroRNAs isolated from people with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) types 2 and 3 before treatment predicted eventual responses to Spinraza (nusinersen) therapy, a study suggested. The study, “Muscle microRNAs in the cerebrospinal fluid predict clinical response to nusinersen therapy in type II and type III…

UK Collaboration Gets £1.25M Grant to Develop ‘Smart Suit’

Development of an exoskeleton suit to help those living with progressive neuromuscular conditions that affect their upper-body movement will advance due to a £1.25 million (about $1.5 million) grant from the People’s Postcard Lottery in the United Kingdom. The “SMART Suit,” which targets people with disabilities such as…

CADTH Panel Recommends Against Reimbursing Spinraza for Adults

A committee of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) has issued a draft recommendation advising Spinraza (nusinersen) should not be reimbursed for the treatment of adults with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).  CADTH is an independent, nonprofit organization that provides evidence-based advice to…