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  • Motivational Books and Podcasts That Have Helped Me

    Posted by kevin-schaefer on July 21, 2018 at 12:00 pm

    Over the years I’ve met some extraordinary people with SMA and other disabilities. I can think of writers, speakers, teachers, entrepreneurs, computer programmers and so many others who prove that a disability doesn’t keep you from living your life.

    At the same time, I know other people in the SMA and MD communities who have a lot of potential, but who seem kind of stuck in a rut when it comes to career pursuits, academic pursuits, social lives, etc. For those people, I just wanted to share some of the books and podcasts that have helped and resonated with me personally.


    -“The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday

    -“Laughing at my Nightmare” by Shane Burcaw

    -“You’re Never Weird On The Internet” by Felicia Day

    “If at Birth You Don’t Succeed” by Zach Anner

    “A Life in Parts” by Bryan Cranston



    -“Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People” hosted by Chris Gethard

    -The SMA News Today Podcast- hosted by me

    -“Make Creativity Pay” hosted by Leanne Regalla


    I’m not saying these will transform your life instantly, but motivation starts with getting into the right mindset. Also some of my favorite “inspirational” movies include:

    -“Warrior” (dir. Gavin O’Connor)

    -“Southpaw” (dir. Antoine Fuqua)

    -“Sing Street” (dir. John Carney)

    -“Creed” (dir. Ryan Coogler)

    -“The Shawshank Redemption” (dir. Frank Darabont)

    Let me know if any of you have any recommendations. There will always be voices saying “you can’t,” but part of living your life and pursuing your goals is getting into the right mindset.

    kevin-schaefer replied 6 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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