I Feel Gratitude in the Wake of Zolgensma
Happy Tuesday, everyone! I’m sure most of you are aware of Zolgensma by now, the new gene therapy for SMA. I went back and forth on whether to write a column about it, and in the end, I decided to. I’ve thought a lot about “cures” and how they might affect me, so I wasn’t surprised to realize that, the more I thought about Zolgensma, the less excited I was.
Don’t get me wrong: Zolgensma is an amazing breakthrough, and I’m looking forward to where things go from here. I’ve just always had a complicated relationship with “cures” and treatments, maybe because I know myself well enough to realize that if I let myself imagine life post-Zolgensma—a life where I can walk, tie my own shoes, hold a job—I’ll quickly grow dissatisfied with the life I have. As much as I want to be “cured,” the pessimist in me is stubborn, and the realist wants to live the life I have, imperfect but real, to the fullest.
Is this something you can relate to? How do you approach treatments like Zolgensma and Spinraza?
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