• I'm So Excited!

    Posted by survivinglife on July 7, 2019 at 9:48 am

    Okay so I’m so excited today and I thought I’d share my news with y’all. First, my nurse is taking me to see the new Spider-Man movie next Saturday! I can’t wait! I’m a little nervous since its been YEARS since the last time I went to the theaters and I’m not sure how I’ll handle it, both physically and emotionally. And I haven’t seen Endgame yet but I do know a lot of what happened in the movie – I spend too much time on the internet not to know. Plus, I REALLY want to see the new Spider-Man movie! And seeing it in theater is too good of an opportunity to miss! Plus, I really need to get out of the house and there aren’t much other places for me to go.

    Second, I think my writer’s block has gone away – at least a little. Lol. The other day, I was playing FFA at Frontier on COD – Infinite Warfare (gotta work those hands, you know lol. JK I really enjoy that game.) and I was winning big time so I decided to take a break from fighting (Note: the other players did NOT take a break lol) and so I just looked around the map, which is basically a spaceship. I love taking note of the maps and whatnot in games cuz it always inspires me to create something (OK not always but almost always). Usually it inspires me to draw some interior design or architectural designs, but this time it made me think of a story idea for a movie. I may not use that story idea exactly cuz its so similar to one I am already passionate about, but it did seem to break my writer’s block. So this morning I got up and decided to work on fleshing out some characters for a movie and then base my story around them and their personalities and beliefs. So far I only have 3 characters but I can at least see a story forming. And one of the main characters has SMA type 2. She’s gonna be the “guy in the chair” (gal in the chair?) for the superhero. Lol. (I love Spider-Man too much, I know.) When I thought of that, I literally sat here laughing for a few minutes before deciding to share with y’all.

    OK I’m gonna go back to working on my characters and then I gotta lay down to prop my feet up and get some circulation to them, and then I’ll finish editing and uploading my next YouTube video. Bye y’all! Have a good day!

    survivinglife replied 5 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • kevin-schaefer

    July 7, 2019 at 1:56 pm

    That’s great Crystal! Spider-Man and conquering writer’s block!

    You’ll love Spidey. I saw it last night.

    Your script sounds interesting. I’m currently co-writing a graphic novel with a friend, in which the main character is a young woman with SMA. Keep us updated!

    Also, if you need any tips on accessibility at movie theaters, I go to the movies about once a week.

  • survivinglife

    July 7, 2019 at 9:30 pm

    Wait seriously, you go to the theater once a week?! That’s awesome man! I wouldn’t mind some tips but really the main concern we need to figure out is whether or not the theater closest to us is wheelchair accessible and my mom said she’d check that out on her way home from work one day this week. Do you usually sit in your chair or their seats? Do you use a power chair?

    I’m sure the movie will be good (I mean, it has Tom Holland in it so of course it will) but I’m afraid I’ll cry and I don’t like crying in front of strangers. lol but oh well.

    Are graphic novels harder than books or comic books or movies? I don’t know anything about graphic novels but I’d love to know more about the one you’re working on. I’ll definitely keep y’all updated about my script. 🙂

    Also, if y’all are interested, I just uploaded a video to my YouTube channel in which I talk about a song that really helps me feel better. Here’s the link if anyone wants to check it out: https://youtu.be/AwnF7m-eBu8

    • kevin-schaefer

      July 8, 2019 at 8:42 am

      I use a power chair, and I stay in my chair throughout the day. Most theaters I go to are easily accessible. The only annoying ones are when the accessible seats are so close to the front, and you’re right in front of the screen. The main one I go to is great though. They take a seat out for me, and it’s usually in the middle of the theater. You shouldn’t have a problem. If you’re able to transfer and you prefer that, go right ahead. For me though, it’s much easier to just stay in my chair.

      Yeah, writing a script for a comic or graphic novel is very similar to writing a screenplay. The format is similar, and you have to outline everything pretty meticulously. For this one, it’s a 40-page one-shot, and my friend and I are each writing 20 pages. Once our drafts are done, we’ll come back together and do edits and rewrites. The artist that we’re working with is doing some sample pages right now, and we’re looking into crowdfunding this project through Kickstarter. This is the biggest project in comics I’ve attempted so far, so it will be a learning process for me.

      And I watched some of your videos yesterday. Great stuff! It’s hard putting yourself out there, but it’s something every artist has to do.

      Also, don’t worry about crying at Spider-Man lol. Do you know how many people cried during Endgame?? You’ll fit right in.

  • deann-r

    July 7, 2019 at 10:15 pm

    Sounds fantastic Crystal! I’m not an avid movie goer, but just went to one recently. I was disappointed in the seating in this particular theater as I had to sit behind everyone else as I stay in my chair, but we made it work. I’m sure it’ll work out for you as well, and so be it if you shed a tear or two.

    Great to hear your juices are flowing where your writing is concerned. It’s always fun to have a project going.

    When I get a chance I’ll check out your latest YouTube video!

  • survivinglife

    July 8, 2019 at 7:37 am

    Thank you! It is fun to be working on a project but sometimes it gets hard, like when your arm gets tired or when your brain decides to stop thinking straight. Lol.

  • survivinglife

    July 8, 2019 at 6:20 pm

    Thank you Kevin. The hardest part for me in making videos and sharing them with the world is making sure people understand while also showing emotion. I have REALLY bad speech problems. Like I can pronounce my words and sentences better for people to understand but I look like a robot. And on the other hand, I can be an enthusiastic speaker but I sound like I’m speaking a foreign language that absolutely no one knows. That’s the hard part of YouTube. I don’t care if I have acne or if people make fun of me or anything like that. I need to figure out what to make my next video about though I have no idea. I think next week I’ll make a video about how going to the theater with SMA went and talk about Spider-Man… I don’t know.

    I admire you working with other people for your graphic novel. I wouldn’t be able to do that with anything other than songs. My brother and I used to write songs together and that was pretty cool actually, but when it comes to stories, I prefer to work on my own. My own time, terms, ideas, etc. Do you have any idea when people will get to read your graphic novel?

    I have an old power chair that stays in the garage and 2 manual chairs that I use throughout the day but for different purposes. One is custom made with a special back that (tries to) keep me sitting straight cuz my scoliosis is so bad. It is VERY uncomfortable and I can’t do much on my own in that chair (I even need help brushing my teeth) so I mainly use it when I’m doing school or just sitting around. Or when I feel abnormally weak. The other chair is a pretty standard chair that used to have a cushion but we switched it with a folded pillow cuz its more comfortable. In this chair, I need an additional stuffed rabbit under my legs to help me sit up better on my own but I can do much more in this chair like brushing my teeth or rolling myself or (if I’m feeling like Captain America) I can even change my own shirt.  I have an exercise routine that we call “roll time” where I do laps up and down the living room. Here lately I’ve been trying to do roll time outside in the driveway. Sometimes I can and I feel super proud of myself. Other times I can’t cuz I either feel too weak or cuz its raining. Last time I tried to use the theater seats was a disaster so I’m not even gonna bother. And I don’t mind being right in the front cuz I actually don’t mind loud noises and at least I know I’ll be able to hear even if people are talking around me.

    Lol. True about Endgame. I mean, I didn’t see it but my nurse told me about it. I want to see Endgame too but I can’t at the moment 🙁

  • ryan-berhar

    July 8, 2019 at 7:33 pm

    Hey Crystal, glad to hear you’re doing well. Let us know how it goes.

  • halsey-blocher

    July 8, 2019 at 9:31 pm

    That’s awesome Crystal! I’m glad you’re making progress in your writing! I’m looking forward to hearing more about it! If you’re worried about people being able to understand you in your videos, you could consider adding captions? I hope you enjoy the movie!

  • survivinglife

    July 9, 2019 at 6:45 pm

    Thank you!

    I can’t seem to figure out how to work captions. Believe me, I’ve been trying…

    • halsey-blocher

      July 9, 2019 at 8:59 pm

      Wish I could help. Technology isn’t really my strong suit. I hope you can figure it out!

  • survivinglife

    July 10, 2019 at 6:26 pm

    Thank you!

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