Columnist Writes About Advocacy and Bloodwork
Hi everyone!
My column for the month of August went up yesterday. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I’ve been having trouble with lab technicians lately. As part of my Accutane regimen, I have to get monthly pregnancy tests. I opted to do these via bloodwork as opposed to urine samples.
No one listens to me when I request finger pokes. Every time I do bloodwork, I have to sit through tourniquets and hot packs and disgruntled remarks about my terrible veins. I’ve decided that, going forward, when lab techs ask if they can just “take a peek,” I won’t give them permission. I know my body best. Finger pokes are the best way to get the blood that’s needed.
I messaged my PCP yesterday and asked if she can put a note in my chart. Maybe she could say something along the lines of: “Listen to Brianna, she knows what she’s talking about.” We’ll see. I keep y’all updated.
How do you advocate for yourself when it comes to healthcare?
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