SMA News Forums Forums Our Community Adults ​With​ ​SMA October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)

  • October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)

    Posted by deann-r on October 8, 2020 at 10:33 am

    Did you know this was a thing? I know, there’s a lot to be aware of these days, but I do think disability employment is an important one. Often people look dumbfounded when they realize I indeed have a job. Several jobs in fact. I know it’s a subject that needs attention when I shock my own case worker talking about my job. Kind of like SMA Awareness Month, one of the best ways to bring awareness is to live it and talk about it. Yes, you can be disabled and have a job.

    My first paid gig was through a program assisting young adults find summer employment. As an office assistant at a nursing home I maintained resident accounts, answered phones and sorted mail. Glamorous I know, but you gotta start somewhere. The next summer I greeted museum guests as a tour guide. If you want to know about the Kensington Runestone I’m your gal. Not only did these jobs earn me a little cash, I realized that despite my limitations I can be a valued member of the workforce.

    After college I landed an accounts payable job at an eye clinic. My neighbor worked there as well so put in a good word with the boss. Although I still work for them I transitioned to strictly doing payroll entry allowing me to moderate these forums, do my vlogs and recordings for SMA News Today.

    Employment can be challenging, but also rewarding. Do you work? What was your first job? I’d love to hear about it. If you don’t work, what’s holding you back?

    pamela-muhammad replied 4 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • jennifer-perkins

    October 8, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    Entering the workforce was a huge goal for me!  My first job was a cashier at a convenient store in town.  It did help that my family owned it but it got me out there working.  I did that every summer in high school.

    My next job was data entry for a start up company that developed an app for restaurants.

    My third job was marketing manager at a small in home care company.  I had my van that I could drive by then so I would basically go business to business advertising our services.

    My fourth job was accounting payable at Camping World.  Did that job for two years and then moved over to the merchandising department which is where I am now an inventory analyst; and have been for 5 years.  I love my job!

  • alyssa-silva

    October 9, 2020 at 9:36 am

    This is such an important topic to bring awareness to. I once had a college professor tell me I’d never amount to anything because of my disability….

    Today, I work 3 jobs and run a nonprofit organization. It is exhausting at times but equally rewarding. My disability is no indication of how well I can contribute to the workforce.

  • pamela-muhammad

    October 12, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi everyone! Thank you all for sharing your experiences of employment Etc. I have been trying to get employed for years ,but unfortunately I haven’t officially gotten employed as of yet, however that hasn’t stopped me from creating a bit of income on my own. I have written two books. “Pam-Allah’s Poetry of the Heart” and my most recent book /”Loving the Skin I’m In/Visions of My Life/” which I am extremely proud of. I would also like to have a part-time job to make more money. So could you all please share your employment experiences and what do you do at your jobs ,your businesses, websites nonprofits Etc thank you so much have a great day.</p>

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