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  • Columnist Writes About Her Unique Living Situation

    Posted by alyssa-silva on August 19, 2021 at 11:00 am

    Hey all. For my latest column, I actually collaborated with another columnist from SMA News Today, Halsey Blocher, to discuss our unique living situations. Together, we write about our experiences with multigenerational living, how and why it works for us, and the different responses we’ve received from others about living from home.

    What we really tried to drive home with our columns is that everyone with SMA has their own needs and preferences, and it’s important to be supportive of that. What’s your current living situation? Are you content with it?

    alyssa-silva replied 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • blake-watson

    August 19, 2021 at 11:48 am

    100% this. I have this nagging thought a lot. The fact that I live at home makes me self conscious at times, especially in regards to dating since there is a lot of pressure to give an impression of being independent in a way that lives up to societal standards (eg, “Don’t talk to me if you live with your parents; I want a man not a boy.”) **

    Fortunately, though, I feel like living with one’s parents (in the US, anyway) is a little less stigmatized than it used to be. Economic conditions have made it preferable even for able-bodied people to live with their parents.

    It’s like you say, though, it’s different for each person and it’s a choice you have to consider. I remind myself that a lot of things make me independent—not just where I live. And no one is truly independent anyway (you could even make an argument that “independence” isn’t necessarily an ideal thing to strive for, but that’s a whole other topic).


    ** You got me, I live with my mother, but can I impress you with my large collection of fonts. ????

  • alyssa-silva

    August 21, 2021 at 1:17 pm

    Ha! Oh man, your comment about fonts is too funny. Also though… relatable! Why I have so many fonts I will never know lol

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