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  • 31 Days of SMA: Natalie’s Story

    Posted by brianna-albers on August 26, 2019 at 7:00 am

    Happy Monday, everyone! Last week of August — can you believe?!

    Friday’s “31 Days of SMA” post was a special one. Natalie’s brother, JC, was born right around the time she was diagnosed with SMA. Their parents weren’t sure if JC would have SMA as well, but their suspicions were confirmed when he lost the ability to stand. From that point on, Natalie and JC’s parents worked hard to give them as normal a childhood as possible.

    Natalie appreciated having a sibling who was familiar with the challenges of SMA. She sometimes wished for an able-bodied companion to assist her in shenanigans, but that, she reflects, was what friends were for. Instead, Natalie and JC navigated adolescence and adulthood together, sharing triumphs and setbacks, and learning from each other’s experiences.

    I’m an only child, so I loved reading Natalie and JC’s story. You can see the post on Instagram here.

    Do you have any takeaways from Natalie’s story?

    brianna-albers replied 5 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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