You’ve landed on the big question about preventative care: none of us were expected to live this long so what’s the point? That said, we ARE living this long. And we do want our quality of life to be as vibrant as possible.
This is where I start looking at the biggest bang for my buck. You guys know I am a big fan of acupuncture, eating a Hey healthy diet, meditation, and being in nature as much as possible.
Bone density test when I know my bone density sucks? There is very little we can do to improve bone density in significant ways. Pass.
Mole mapping? Are you fair skinned? Does skin cancer run in your family? Every few years we do superficial mapping of easily accessed skin. If your dog is smelling one spot a lot, get it checked immediately. A lot of dogs have found cancerous lesions before the doctors notice.
Now we come to the dreaded mammogram.
Here’s a practical workaround that is manageable in every hospital. Have your doctor write an order for a mammogram AND a breast ultrasound. The first time you go there might be a fuss about having to lift your arm and basically being in impossible positions. Once they go through that BS the only thing they have left is an ultrasound. And that, my friend, is easy. They asked me to come in every 6 months for the first year and a half, and after that it’ll be 1x a year.
Word to the wise: Skip the usual “how can I make this easier for everyone involved?” Go directly to, “no, I can’t do that, no, my arm won’t move that way, you’ll have to lift my arm because I can’t hold it.”
What strategies have you guys found?