Column Topic Ideas
I usually don’t do this, but I wanted to ask you all if you have any topic suggestions for my column. You can read my weekly column for SMA News Today here: https://smanewstoday.com/category/embracing-my-inner-alien-a-column-by-kevin-schaefer/?_gl=1*1uq9vyj*_ga*d3N4dUY5dkNOWUJJUG9HYWwxQ2haZllFUkpPOHZRaTFOQmluY2ZKRDUxbDBDOHB1U1JHZkgyNlhjVzZ3ZG5hag...
I typically write about topics like disability portrayal in media, personal experiences and the intersection of comedy and disability. However, I’m open to suggestions and I like hearing feedback from my readers.
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