Columnist Compares Life with SMA to a House of Cards
Hi everyone!
Check out Alyssa’s latest column, “Why I View My Life As a Deck of Cards.” She compares life with SMA as a delicate house of cards. You can spend all your energy trying to build the perfect house, but you’re limited to the hand you’re dealt. When disaster strikes, and your house of cards comes tumbling down, there’s nothing you can do except to rebuild.
I really like this metaphor, because it’s so true. As Alyssa says, we need to strike a balance between acknowledging the hand we’ve been dealt — and grapple with all the resultant emotions — as well as continue to build the house we want. It may not look like everyone else’s house, but they’re drawing from their own deck. All we can do is focus on the cards in front of us.
How do you feel about this metaphor? Do you find it echoes your own circumstances?
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