Facing Anxiety and Trying New Things
In her column this week, Brianna Albers writes about facing anxiety and trying new experiences: https://smanewstoday.com/2018/10/01/sma-fighting-anxiety-accepting-commiting-overcoming-act-therapy/?amp&_gl=1*19boywa*_ga*d3N4dUY5dkNOWUJJUG9HYWwxQ2haZllFUkpPOHZRaTFOQmluY2ZKRDUxbDBDOHB1U1JHZkgyNlhjVzZ3ZG5hag...
I like how she incorporates the frustrations of losing abilities as a result of SMA, and how that intersects with her anxiety. It’s a tough spot to be in, but she articulates her feelings and experiences well. I don’t struggle with anxiety, but even I wrestle with those thoughts of being a burden to my friends and family from time to time. I also like how Brianna writes about the type of therapy she used to deal with her anxiety in this situation, which is called acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
What do you all think? Have you dealt with similar thoughts and experiences as Brianna?
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