Getting Gifts for Caregivers
‘Tis the season for making lists and checking them twice.
I love buying gifts for others, I really do. BUT, I have a lot of people to buy for, so my wallet would beg to differ. When it comes to caregivers, I typically make something homemade (with the help from others)— ex. dry cookie mix in a mason jar, soy candles with essential oil scents, etc.
This year, I think I’m going to make little gift boxes with succulents (and other things) inside with a card that says “my life would succ without you.” Regardless of what I make, I always take the time to write a meaningful card to thank them for all they’ve done. That, to me, is so much more important than a gift.
Do you buy your caregivers gifts or are you on a budget? It’s pretty tough when our income is limited and we have family to shop for. At the same time, our caregivers shouldn’t go unnoticed— especially if they hold a special place in our lives.
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