SMA News Forums Forums Assistive Technology How Many Cough Assist Sessions do you do Daily?

  • How Many Cough Assist Sessions do you do Daily?

    Posted by kevin-schaefer on May 24, 2018 at 9:53 am

    The cough assist machine is an extremely helpful tool for people with SMA. It’s great for clearing secretion from the lungs, and it’s  one of the most commonly-recommended devices by pulmonologists.

    My doctor recommends I do about three or four sessions a day. Though if I’m being honest, I usually just do one or two. Between the vest, cough assist, BiPAP and everything else I do on a day-to-day basis, my energy is spread a little thin.

    Read more about cough-assist machines here: “How Cough-Assist Machines Help With SMA”

    What about you all though? For those of you who use a cough assist machine, how many sessions do you try to do per day? Also, if you have any questions about using this device, please ask.



    lydia-fecteau replied 6 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • deann-r

    May 24, 2018 at 11:28 am

    Unless I’m sick I usually do the cough assist once a day (almost every day).  As you said everything gets to be so time consuming.  Curious what pressure settings you use?  Do you keep them the same regardless if you’re healthy or congested?

    • kevin-schaefer

      May 24, 2018 at 12:13 pm

      I always forget the settings I keep it on haha. I can look later though.

      And yeah I only adjust the settings if my pulmonologist recommends it. When I got pneumonia earlier this year I definitely used it more and adjusted the settings.

      Regarding the time it takes, I actually doing the vest more. Even though it’s more time-consuming than the cough assist, I like that once I’m set up with it I can sit and let it do all the work. I kind of like using it after a long day and listening to music and podcasts while I’m on it. The cough assist sessions are much shorter, but they require more energy on my part. It’s similar to when I do tests at a pulmonology appointment.

  • lydia-fecteau

    August 13, 2018 at 9:24 am

    Have you seen real improvement from a daily cough assist use? I was told to use it twice a day, but I have not. My excuse is the time it takes up. Should I make the time? Every evening I sleep with my ventilator using a mask and set on 1250.

    • deann-r

      August 13, 2018 at 10:26 am

      Honestly when I’m healthy I only use it once a day (usually skipping weekends) even though I can see where using it twice would be beneficial.  Although I haven’t had measured improvements it just feels like it opens my lungs up and lets them know they have a bigger capacity than my normal wimpy breathing.  Sometimes I’m surprised when I get gunk out too.  Since I’ve been sick I’ve been using it at least twice and as much as 4 times a day.  I’m finding the morning sessions to be the most productive.  Really it’s a personal decision as to how often you use it.  Do you use a mask or a mouthpiece?  Finding what worked for me was the hardest part.

      • kevin-schaefer

        August 13, 2018 at 1:47 pm

        I’m the same as DeAnn. It is time-consuming and I usually just do one session a day. When I’m sick though, it helps a lot. Combining it with multiple vest sessions makes it a lot easier to get phlegm out.

  • ryan-berhar-2

    August 13, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    I only use the cough machine when I choke on something, or have some sort of respiratory sickness. I don’t need to use it on a daily basis.

  • lydia-fecteau

    August 13, 2018 at 6:10 pm

    I only use the mask with the cough assist and find myself only using it when I’m sick or have a mucous plug. For the most part, the ventilator seems to work and I take time each evening and often the morning to deeply breathe through that. Knock on wood, I haven’t had any major respiratory issues in almost 2 years since I’ve been using the ventilator. I do have the cough assist and a shaker vest. I also got a sleep number bed with the vibration.

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