The Morale Monologue #12 – The Benefits Of Physical Therapy Along With Spinraza
In this episode of the Morale Monologue, I’m going to discuss the importance of taking physical therapy while on active treatment with Spinraza. As a child, and even growing up as a teenager, I was told by doctors not to take physical therapy because if I stressed my muscles too much, I could do more damage to my body than good. Since my body is now receiving the protein that it needs due to the fact that I’m on active treatment with Spinraza, my neurologist told me that I could begin physical therapy.
I’ve been working out with my physical therapist, Laura, for the past year, and the benefits that I’ve seen from taking physical therapy have been quite dramatic. Laura allowed me to take pictures during one of our physical therapy sessions showing the exercises that we do on a weekly basis. I put these pictures to a video showing everyone exactly what I do when I go for my workout with Laura.
If you are taking your Spinraza treatments, I urge you to speak to your neurologist or your primary care physician about taking physical therapy. The Spinraza injections coupled with physical therapy have been a huge benefit to my life and I believe that if you can take physical therapy while on the Spinraza injections yourself, you too will see benefits.
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