The Morale Monologue #3: Who Is Envisagenics And What Is SpliceCore?
In this episode of the Morale Monologue, I’m going to be introducing everybody to Envisagenics, and their new drug discovery platform they call SpliceCore. This discovery platform is nothing more than a huge database of information pertaining to RNA. RNA is an acronym that stands for ribonucleic acid. In layman’s terms, RNA is the in between molecule that reads the information in DNA, so our bodies can produce a complete functional protein.
Envisagenic’s goal is to learn how to properly splice this RNA molecule so that they can determine why it is not producing the protein that it should so that those of us with SMA can either sustain the muscle that we already have, or better yet, why we are unable to build new muscle. Their database, SpliceCore, is the largest database to date with regards to RNA sequencing data.
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