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  • Motivation Monday: Alternatives to Physical Therapy During Quarantine

    Posted by kevin-schaefer on March 23, 2020 at 11:00 am

    Hope everyone is staying safe out there! I know things are crazy right now, but we can get through this together. My hope is that as we continue to take social distancing and other preventative measures seriously, the COVID-19 pandemic will start to dissipate in time.

    Ok, so as I posted about last week, I can keep myself entertained and productive during quarantine. Since I work from home anyway, the only big thing I’ve had to adjust to is not going out. All of my socializing is now virtual, and I am grateful for Skype and FaceTime!

    However, the thing that does concern me is that I probably won’t be able to go to aquatic therapy for a while. Until things return to normal, it’s not essential enough for me to risk going to appointments. It stinks, because I’ve been doing so well with therapy lately. PT is a great stress-reliever, and it’s great for my physical and mental health. I am concerned about being off of it for a while.

    Right now, I’m trying to figure out alternative solutions so that I can still get some physical activity. I’ve been doing some basic movement in my chair, such as pushing my upper body back and forth. Then at night, I’m having my caregiver lift my arms up and down and stretch them. Plus, I’m trying to get outside in my front yard as much as possible. We had some great weather here in North Carolina on Saturday, and I sat in the yard with my dog for 30 minutes then, listening to music on my phone. Anything helps right now.

    I believe that in a time like this, it’s important to make every effort to tend to each aspect of our health: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. It’s discouraging to know that it’ll be some time before I get back to PT, but I’m trying to make the best of it in the meantime.

    Is anyone else in this situation? Do you have any ideas for alternative physical therapy solutions? 

    kevin-schaefer replied 4 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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