Share Your Story
Hey everyone. I just wanted to extend a special welcome to our new users. Thank you for joining us here, and I hope you find this to be a supportive and helpful community.
I just wanted to share Alyssa Silva’s column from this week about sharing her SMA story: https://smanewstoday.com/2018/10/05/why-i-share-sma-story-despite-feeling-vulnerable/?amp&_gl=1*lybo49*_ga*d3N4dUY5dkNOWUJJUG9HYWwxQ2haZllFUkpPOHZRaTFOQmluY2ZKRDUxbDBDOHB1U1JHZkgyNlhjVzZ3ZG5hag... It’s true that there are far more resources available today for people with SMA than there used to be, and more people are sharing what life with SMA is like with others.
Here on the forums, we encourage everyone to share their stories. If you are new, please feel free to introduce yourself. We’d love to learn about what you do, and to hear from you about what topics you would like to discuss on the forums. Thanks again for registering here!
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