The Power of Eye Tracking Technology
Happy Monday, all! I thought some of you might be interested in this article on Fast Company about eye tracking. I was able to test out some eye-tracking software earlier this year as part of a video game survey and it was pretty cool—if you’re not familiar with eye tracking, it allows you to interact with technology using only your eyes. Depending on the technology, you can move a cursor, type, or even interact with a video game.
The article talks about the benefits of eye tracking for the general public, from proofreading to communicating with colleagues in something like Google Docs. This quote sums things up pretty well: “The experiments show how using your eyes as a tool to control a computer could make everyone more productive, not just people who are disabled. It’s an example of the power of inclusive design: When technologies are built to accommodate users who have disabilities, everyone else benefits, too.”
If you’ve used eye-tracking before, what did you think of it?
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