Virtual Cure SMA Conference/Adult Socials This Week
Hey everyone! Hope you’re all having a great weekend.
I wanted to let you all know that Cure SMA is hosting a virtual conference this week, since they had to cancel their in-person one this year. You can find all the details for workshops, dates, and times here. You’ll need to register for each session individually. Feel free to contact Cure SMA with any questions.
Specifically, I wanted to invite you all to the adults with SMA socials. These will take place Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week, each night from 7-9 pm CT. I won’t post the link here, but you should have received an email if you’re on Cure SMA’s mailing list. If you haven’t received anything, please send a message to this address: [email protected]
I’ll be one of the moderators each night, along with several other adults with SMA. It’ll be a great time to connect and hangout with other people in the community, much like we do at in-person conferences. Also, we want to make each session a little different, so it won’t just be the same thing every night.
Hope to see many of you there!
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