
Kicking the Door Open

I’ve never been all that interested in the Oscars. I prefer TV over film and, anyway, I can trust social media to keep me informed of the fashion highlights. Still, I’ve found myself getting reluctantly dragged into the discourse surrounding the lack of diversity…

SMA: A World of Firsts

“Well, Alyssa, I’ve certainly experienced many firsts thanks to you,” my mother said as a nurse untied the surgical gown from her back. I’m sure we all have our fair share of firsts when it comes to living with a disease in which the unexpected becomes the expected.

Choosing to Become Bitter or Better

“Refined by fire” is an idea I have talked a lot about. I identify with it so much that I decided to use it as my column title. I have given examples of my refinement, but I want to delve deeper into the concept itself by giving a…

Grandma Challenges SMA

Editor’s note: Columnist Michael Casten continues his “Family Perspectives” series by interviewing Ella’s grandmother. In this series, Casten sets out to explore how different people who surround Ella tackle the diagnosis of her SMA. Read an introduction to the series here. A woman who is the matriarch…

A Balancing Act

February was a pretty exhausting month for me. I kicked it off with a two-week stint of pneumonia and a weekend in the hospital, then I got straight back to work once I felt better. To top it all off, I ended it with a 24-hour stomach virus…

New Therapist, New Goals

I recently switched therapists. I’ve only seen her a few times, but I already have a good feeling about it. She’s survived two different types of cancer and has a wheelchair for when her chronic illness flares up. Her daughter also was misdiagnosed with…

A Hug for Grandpa

Editor’s note: Columnist Michael Casten begins his “Family Perspectives” series by interviewing Ella’s grandfather. In this series, Casten sets out to explore how different people who surround Ella tackle the diagnosis of her SMA. Read an introduction to the series here. A native of Indiana.

A Question that Surprised Me

Having SMA means that strangers approach me on a regular basis. From the onlooker who’s infatuated with my service dog, to the 10,000th person who sees my wheelchair and asks me if I “have a license for that thing,” I’m quite used to comments from people that range…

Living on Borrowed Time

I officially graduated with my bachelor’s degree in December, but I only just received my diploma in the mail. I’ve been expecting it for weeks now, but it was still kind of surreal, opening the manila envelope and seeing my name in fancy script,…