
I’m Not Normal, and That’s OK

I always get something out of my therapy sessions. Sometimes it’s a word or a phrase. I’ll never forget when my therapist told me that, even in the midst of an attack, I won’t be anxious forever. I don’t struggle as much with anxiety…

Promise You Won’t Quit, OK?

As much as I don’t like to admit it, sometimes life can be brutally unfair. I’m even hesitant to type these words because it seems as though everyone is always so focused on creating and chasing the idea of a perfect life. No one wants to be metaphorically…

One Year Since I Attempted Stand-up Comedy

The other day Facebook reminded me that a year ago I gave stand-up comedy a shot at an open mic night. My local comedy club does open mic sessions every week, and since I have a few comedian friends who had been encouraging me to try it…

Life Before and After Spinraza, Part 2

Second in a series. Read Part 1 here. There’s a certain significance that Dec. 4 holds in my life. What started as an ordinary day morphed into the day that forever changed the course of my life. That’s just how life works in its mysterious ways. The…

My New Role Here at ‘SMA News Today’

Since April, I’ve been writing this weekly column, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Telling my story here on SMA News Today and sharing my thoughts on a wide range of topics has been liberating, rewarding and it has allowed me to connect with others…

Life Before and After Spinraza, Part 1

If I asked you right now to tell me what your life’s defining moments were, what would you choose? Would it be something that left you feeling content and hopeful? Or would it be something more dark and gloomy? Each of us has moments when it’s almost as…