
Special People Enter Our Lives at Unexpected Moments

We all experience moments that change our destiny. For me, it might have been learning whether I had passed a major college exam. For others, it might be the moment their partner responds to a marriage proposal. We often anticipate this type of life-changing moment. But what about unexpected moments?…

Eyes Opened and Eyes Closed

I spent a school year substituting in various special education classrooms in Fort Worth, Texas, before returning to school for teacher certification. I’d already worked with young children with developmental disabilities and loved their (usually) carefree and good-natured dispositions. My first assignment as a substitute teacher at Jo…

A Power Outage and a Frozen Ramp

Here in North Carolina, the weather fluctuates between springtime warmth on Christmas Day to freeze-your-butt-off cold a couple days later. We sometimes get all four seasons in the span of a few weeks, but it’s the wintertime that requires the most preparation. It forces people like…

Even in the Midst of COVID-19, We Must Own Our Time

As I write this, my room glows in the midafternoon sun. Sometime last year, I invested in a suncatcher, so there are rainbows everywhere — pastel sunbursts that are there, then gone. It’s unseasonably warm in Minnesota today, so the snow is melting, dripping steadily off the roof. According to…

Preparing for Surgery, I Search for a New Mantra

I like the saying, “It’s always darkest before the dawn,” but I think it’s overused. We should come up with other phrases that mean the same thing so that the idea doesn’t become too cliché. People can pick whatever words they prefer, based on their own situation. All that matters…

Having a Body Is a Full-time Job

“One thing’s for sure,” I tell my dad. “This is going to make a great column.” I’d been dreading this doctor’s appointment for days, and not just because of the hell that is commuting during the winter. The last time I was at this clinic, a neurologist questioned whether I…

Staying Organized Helps Me Simplify Life With SMA

Before I dive into this column about how the art of organization keeps my life balanced, I believe a disclaimer is necessary. After all, no matter the number of “Queer Eye” episodes I watch and self-help books I read, or the amount of inspiration I get from…

Powering Up (and Out) for Another Year

Goodness, that didn’t take long. We’re already closing in on the middle of the first month of another new year. For most, 2021 felt like a tedious extension of the calamitous year before it. Oh, 2020, I hope never to see a year of your ilk again. As usual, I…