Post MDA Clinic/Occupational Therapy Evaluation
I’m pretty exhausted, so I’m going to keep this post short for now and add more later.
I just got home from the MDA clinic, which I go to about two times a year. Part of this includes an occupational therapy appointment, in which I do a series of tests with the OT to evaluate the effects of Spinraza. The tests include picking up a couple coins, using a marker to draw a line through a maze, moving a weight across a table and a few others.
I scored a point higher than the last time, and the test I was really surprised by how well I did was the marker one. That’s the most I’ve drawn in years. Whereas last time I only finished part of the maze, I completed it this time. The weights were a little harder at first, but once we figured out that my armrest on my chair was preventing me from moving my elbow, the OT let me have it moved out of the way and start over to get more accurate results. She was fantastic to work with, and was both attentive and helpful.
Like I said I’ll write more about this later, but I’m pretty pooped. I had this, physical therapy and a physical with my primary doctor all in the past few days. Hope everyone here has a great weekend.
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