Dose of DeAnn Episode 42: Book Review of “Strangers Assume My Girlfriend is my Nurse”
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Check out the latest episode of “Dose of DeAnn” here. This one is slightly different from my usual videos, as I do a book review here. For anyone who has followed SMA News Today for a while, you know that we’re pretty big fans of author and nonprofit executive Shane Burcaw. His latest book, titled “Strangers Assume my Girlfriend is my Nurse,” came out recently, and I had a chance to check it out.
I talk about some of the stories that stuck out to me, and I discuss my biggest takeaways from this book. This memoir explores Shane’s relationship with his now fiancé Hannah Aylward, and it offers some great insight into inter-abled relationships.
Have you read this book yet? If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts as well. We have a book club discussion going on here in the forums, and I’d love for you to join. Thanks for watching!
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