Tell Me Your Spinraza Gains.
Hey all! Thought it’d be nice to start a thread where we could share our experiences with Spinraza and hopefully encourage/enlighten others by doing so. I’ve found each person’s experiences to be so unique, but reading about them has definitely supported me in my own. I’ll go first.
I started receiving spinraza almost 3 years ago now in December of 2016 and have marked a definite improvement. While these gains haven’t been significant, they have made a world of a difference in my life.
My respiratory function has improved. I can speak louder and for MUCH longer periods of time. I also have a better— but still not great— cough.
I’ve seen improvement in my facial muscles. Prior to spinraza, I couldn’t smile well on the left side of my face. Today, I cheese way too hard! I also can chew and swallow more easily.
My overall stamina has improved but not as much as I had hoped. This could also be due to other circumstances such as diet and sleep.
In the past year, I’d say my improvements have kind of plateaued or stayed the same. In other words, I haven’t noted any new gains. HOWEVER, about 4 weeks before each dose my body begins to slow down and weaken. The spinraza slump is real, folks. But, it reminds me that the drug is very much working in my body, and I’d be lost without it.
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