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  • Covid Spoils Thanksgiving Again

    Posted by deann-r on November 23, 2021 at 10:04 am

    Last year Covid quarantine threw a wrench into Thanksgiving. Thankfully just a mild case we bypassed festivities regardless. This year being fully vaccinated and boosted along with hopefully having some natural immunity, Covid can shove it. Or so we thought. Although Mom, my nieces and I are vaccinated, my sister and brother-in-law are not. Vaccination views aside we figure it’s a small enough group. We’ll be good.

    Yesterday Mom calls. Looks like it’ll just be her and I for Thanksgiving again. My sister’s boss is positive for Covid. Not only that, good friends of theirs have it too. That’s just too close for comfort. Plus I have my annual neurology appointment next week to continue Evrysdi. Can’t have an exposure before then.

    My feelings about missing another holiday are hard to put into words. On one hand I know it’s for the safety of Mom and myself. On the other I see so many people living carefree lives not giving Covid a second thought. With my medical history I can’t do that. I guess I could, but I feel that’s being reckless.

    It is thanksgiving though. So I’ll end with this. I’m thankful my sister is being upfront with their Covid exposure. I’m also thankful we’re all healthy despite having different views and not being together for the holiday.

    Has Covid put a kink in your holiday plans? What are you thankful for this year?

    alyssa-silva replied 3 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • micaela-macdougall

    November 23, 2021 at 3:42 pm

    “On the other I see so many people living carefree lives not giving Covid a second thought. With my medical history I can’t do that.”

    This is exactly how certain people in my community make me feel.  I have been so careful for so long, I am tired of the people who aren’t being anywhere near as careful as me and who are (however unintentionally) extending the pandemic.  I want the burden to be more evenly distributed, and to feel like I’m not the only one responsible for my safety.

    That said, I am very thankful that the people closest to me do not fall into that carefree category.  My family and close friends are all vaccinated and often take even more precautions than I ask them to.  I will even be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents, uncle, and two cousins, and share dessert later with several neighbors, all of whom are vaccinated.

  • alyssa-silva

    November 24, 2021 at 9:49 am

    Ugh I’m sorry to hear that DeAnn. I can definitely relate to the feeling of everyone living carefree again and your own life seems to be put on pause. It’s been really tough on my mental health. I’m hoping to see my brother and his fam tomorrow as well as my grandparents, but a lot could happen in 24 hours so I’m not getting my hopes up just yet. Covid sucks.

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