• Dating Success Stories

    Posted by alyssa-silva on April 13, 2022 at 11:00 am

    Dating is a hot topic in disability communities like these. With good reason, too. Dating is HARD in general, never mind living with a disability. Questions of how much information to share, logistics for going on dates, needing care from caregivers, or potentially even your date…the list goes on.

    Sometimes it seems hopeless to me, the whole dating experience. But I know it isn’t. If you’re in a relationship, do you mind sharing your story of how you met and what dating is like? Maybe it’ll be inspiring to us single folk! Ha. I also just love hearing how people met. (I guess that makes me more of a hopeless romantic than hopeless after all.)

    alyssa-silva replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • kathryn

    April 14, 2022 at 4:04 am

    I’ll share my story. I was just like you. I didn’t think finding someone to accept me was possible. I was a homebound student in school, so dating then wasn’t an option. I tried tinder and bumble and the guys I talked to were complete jerks. One night I was pretty upset. My wheelchair had just broken and the backup I had was very uncomfortable. So, I was upset and in pain. It was late and I really wanted someone to talk to, so I went on a very random website where it was a one-time thing. You didn’t sign up or anything. I messaged a few people, but they were… let’s just say inappropriate. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with that so I was just going to get off of there. Something told me to try one more person though. I looked through the names and finally picked one. We ended up talking for 2 hours. We didn’t want to stop but we got sleepy lol. We ended up exchanging Kik names and well, 3 years later we’re still together 🙂 Unfortunately, though we are long-distance right now. Every time we would plan for him to move here, something stopped us. Especially Covid. But we are hoping it will happen this year. As far as knowing when to share information. When I would talk to guys I would ease into the wheelchair part. Sometimes it would be days, or sometimes it would be a few hours. When I met my boyfriend though, I told him right away. I felt this instant connection with him and it was extremely easy to tell him. He of course accepted me just how I am. Once you find that special someone it’s very easy to tell them everything about you. Don’t give up on finding someone. I almost did, but I found my person after all. I hope my story gives you hope ????

  • survivinglife

    April 15, 2022 at 12:41 am

    Thank you Kathryn. That does make me feel better.

  • alyssa-silva

    April 18, 2022 at 5:51 pm

    Aw that’s so sweet Kathryn! Thank you for sharing. I consider you very brave to put yourself out there on those dating apps. I’m a chicken ???? and am hoping to meet someone the traditional way. Hope you guys are able to live together soon!

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