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  • Getting back tattoos when you have a feeding tube & growth rods

    Posted by angela-j on June 15, 2021 at 7:23 pm

    Hey, I’m posting this because I wanna get a tattoo at some point of fairy wings on my back but I’m not sure how I’d do it because I have a feeding tube and growth rods in my back. I know people usually lie on their stomach but I obviously can’t do that because of my feeding tube. I’m also concerned about the needle hitting the rods in my back. I’m gonna wait til I gain more weight because I’m still pretty skinny, but I wanted to know if anybody with a feeding tube and/or growth rods that has gotten a back tattoo could share their experiences and maybe give me some tips for later on.

    deann-r replied 3 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • deann-r

    June 15, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    Great question. My tattoos aren’t on my back, so I can’t say for sure, but most artists are pretty accommodating. I would think if you could be on your side or even lean forward they may be able to do it. When I got mine it helped having another person holding my position. Mine are on my arms and I was afraid my arm would slip at an inopportune time. Personally I would never consider getting a back tattoo though. My back and scar area is way too sensitive. Tattoos aren’t that deep though, so rods really shouldn’t be an issue. To me it felt like rug burn, but I’ve heard it’s more painful on boney areas. Good luck if you decide to go for it!

    • angela-j

      June 17, 2021 at 4:03 pm

      Thanks for the information! When did you get your back surgery? I got mine in elementary school so I’ve had my rods for years, so it’s not really that sensitive and I don’t think the scar is still there (not that I can tell), but since you said that it does make me really nervous now about how painful it’ll be, not to mention the tattoo I want is huge so it’ll take a long time. Maybe I’ll talk to my MDA doctors about it. I just really really love fairies and I want a tattoo to make me feel like one. Do they give you numbing cream before doing the tattoo?

      • deann-r

        June 18, 2021 at 5:07 pm

        Cool idea, I bet an artist could get really creative with that. My fusion was actually decades ago so it shouldn’t bother. It’s just a more sensitive area for me. Not sure how it is for others. Maybe you could do a smaller “test” tattoo. Like a design that could be incorporated into wings at a later date if you tolerate it well. Just a thought. Large tattoos are often done in phases anyway I think. I wasn’t offered numbing cream. For some reason I don’t think it’s recommended but I’m not sure.

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