Hobbies and Occupational Therapy
In Michael Casten’s column this week, he writes about how his daughter loves to play with slime. This is a pretty popular hobby for kids today, and you can read the column here: https://smanewstoday.com/2018/10/10/sma-ella-obsession-joy-slime/?amp&_gl=1*y0awd4*_ga*d3N4dUY5dkNOWUJJUG9HYWwxQ2haZllFUkpPOHZRaTFOQmluY2ZKRDUxbDBDOHB1U1JHZkgyNlhjVzZ3ZG5hag...
Michael brings up a good point about how this hobby also serves as a form of occupational therapy for Ella. It allows her to flex her muscles by squeezing the slime, and as such she becomes more dexterous.
Do you have any hobbies that help you with occupational therapy? When I was a kid I constantly played with action figures, which was good because I was always moving my arms and using my hands to pose the figures. Even video games can help with things like dexterity and hand-eye coordination. Let me know if you all have any hobbies like this that you’d like to share.
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