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  • How do you handle choking?

    Posted by alyssa-silva on November 14, 2019 at 11:00 am

    I had a doctor say to me recently, and I quote, “well, what do you do when you turn purple?”

    At first, I didn’t understand what he meant by that. But, I asked him to clarify and realized he was essentially asking what do I do when I choke on food. He was shocked to find out that has never happened to me before.

    So… what do you guys do when you turn purple? Is there a special kind of Heimlich I should know about? A certain position I should be in to cough up whatever is enlarged in my windpipe?

    I‘ll be honest.. he kind of made me nervous by his reaction to never having chocked before. It made me realize I’m not at all prepared if that day ever comes, so I’d love to get your input.

    deann-r replied 5 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • deann-r

    November 14, 2019 at 12:00 pm

    Doctors can be so dramatic. When I got my feeding tube they made it sound like if I eat anything I’ll choke and die. I was being good, then I almost died from something that was from no fault of my own. After that I decided to enjoy life, for me that meant eating even if it meant risking choking. I’m very conscientious about chewing my food thoroughly to prevent choking. Not saying it can’t happen, I kind of hope that if it did I’d have the wherewithal to dial 911 before passing out. If something does go down the wrong pipe the cough assist can be a helpful tool. I’ve also considered getting this

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