SMA News Forums Forums Awareness and Advocacy Disability in Media Inspiration Porn or Inspirational?

  • Inspiration Porn or Inspirational?

    Posted by deann-r on July 20, 2021 at 8:00 am

    We’re all aware of inspiration porn regarding media. We talk about it often in the forums and columns. You know, stories where the teammates give the last shot to the disabled kid. Or the cute little kid in the wheelchair becomes the posterchild for the MDA Telethon. So, when this story popped up in my newsfeed I was hesitant to click on it. I figured it’s just another instance of inspiration porn. Yes, it has those touchy feely qualities, but I was really impressed with the innovation. A group of high school kids modified a car seat so a dad with mobility issues could take his infant for a walk. It reminded me of another story I initially dismissed where students created a device to help a kid with physical impairments open a milk carton. For me what sets these stories apart is that they’re fulfilling a need. I’m always looking for innovative products to enhance my life. If it takes a news story to inspire new ideas like this I guess I’m okay with it. Hey next time I’m looking for a clever solution maybe I’ll reach out to some engineering students with a 3D printer. What are your thoughts on this subject? What determines if it’s inspiration porn or inspirational?

    alyssa-silva replied 3 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • alyssa-silva

    July 21, 2021 at 11:36 am

    I think this specific story is really awesome. The innovation and creativity that went into this are inspiring to me as a creative. Makes me realize there are solutions to most things if I just take the time to think outside of the box.

    But if I see one more “Girl takes disabled boy to prom” headline…

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