Is Chicago a good place to live if you have SMA?
So my brother and I are thinking about moving eventually so he can go to grad school, but we don’t know where yet. Right now he’s looking at either Chicago or Champagne Illinois. They both have good opportunities for him in terms of education AND career, they’re not too far away from our family, and Chicago at least seems to have a lot of Doctors who know SMA. Is that true?
Side note: My brother actually wants to go to Boston New York but he is worried about taking me all the way out there – although I don’t know if that is for medical reasons or the fact that he’ll be taking me so far away from our family, cuz while he’s not that close to our family, I AM. But My brother is my best friend. I’m going to do anything for him. So I am also wondering if Boston is a good place to live…?
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