SMA News Forums Forums SMA News Today Multimedia SMA News Today’s YouTube The Morale Monologue #10 – Having A Disability Does Not Mean You Can Not Work

  • kevin-schaefer

    October 17, 2018 at 9:37 am

    Great video Michael. I like how you explain the specifics of your work history and how SSDI works. I was on SSI for about six years so I could have some income while I was finishing high school and in college. I worked for the student newspaper in college and did other freelance work, but like you said in the video I could still make some money while on social security. I stopped receiving those services once I got the full-time job here at Bionews Services, though I still am on Medicaid. It’s great, and I agree that the opportunities today are vastly different than 50/60 years ago. I wholeheartedly believe that people with all kinds of disabilities are capable of working. Thanks for sharing.

  • michael-morale

    October 17, 2018 at 5:16 pm

    Thanks Kevin. SSDI has been a lifesaver.

  • deann-r

    October 18, 2018 at 2:49 pm

    Thanks for the video!  You didn’t want to become a Canadian?  Guess I don’t blame you.  I live in Minnesota and that’s far enough North.  It’s important for people to realize that you can work and keep benefits.  You’re absolutely correct that being productive is so rewarding.

  • michael-shane-hollen

    October 19, 2018 at 9:02 am

    great video Michael.  I’ve worked for several companies over the years and all have been accommodating.  I’m currently with a large telecommunications company, but am starting to sense I may not be able to continue working at the rate I have been the last 15 years.  It was encouraging to know I can go on permanent disability, but still find something part time to keep myself engaged in life .  Will probably need to make the shift here in a year or so.  Thanks again for a great video and great message!

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