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  • My Weekly Journal – 04/29 Through 05/03

    Posted by michael-morale on May 6, 2019 at 3:00 pm
    Monday, April 29, Through Sunday, May 5 – This past week, I spent quite a bit of time working on the Achilles tendon in my left foot. If you read my journal entry last week, I told you that I almost snapped my ankle, when I got it caught in a doormat in my podiatrist’s office. I was actually surprised at how quickly my ankle started feeling better, given the fact that I came close enough to doing damage that could’ve required surgery to correct. Overall, my week went well, and this upcoming week is filled with events that will definitely keep me busy.
    When I went for my workout with Emily, this was the last week that she would have her physical therapy student Derrek to work with me. We started with my balance exercises. A few weeks ago when we did my reevaluation, Emily told me that she was going to change up the way that we did my balance exercises. She told me that my balance was getting better, so instead of sitting flat on the therapy table, she was going to have me sit on a cushion that they use for balance exercises for people that have had a foot injury. While I laughed at her when she brought the cushion over to show me, I thought to myself, how hard could this be?
    Well, my questions were answered. As soon as they were trying to help me gain my balance, I realized just how much more difficult this was going to be. It took me a minute, but I finally got my balance. With Emily in front of me and Derrek behind me, Derrek began pushing me forward, backwards and from side to side. Sitting on the cushion did make it much more comfortable on my hip, but by making it more comfortable on my hip, this meant that we were going to work longer on the balance exercises. After nearly 15 minutes, and after I was sweating like a stuck pig, we decided it was time to lay me down on my back and began the range of motion and flexing exercises on my legs.
    My abdominal muscles definitely felt this new exercise, but Emily just smiled at me and told me that it would get easier as time goes on, and that she was already thinking of other exercises to do to make it more challenging for me. While Emily is an excellent physical therapist, she’s definitely not going to take it easy on me, which, is probably exactly what I need.
    My flexing and range of motion exercises went well, and we incorporated a new exercise in my flexing that involved an exercise called a figure 4. If you look at the photograph just to the left of my journal entry, you can see what this exercise looks like. This really works the muscle that runs along the side of my hip, and while it is uncomfortable to do, this particular exercise has really helped to stretch that muscle out, and it make both my hips feel much better. Next week, I will go through my next 4 week reevaluation, and then we will start the process all over again. For the past 2 months, I’ve been going to my workouts on Wednesday. I did this so that Emily’s physical therapy students could work with me. Now that both of them are gone, I will go back to my normal schedule on Tuesdays. I’m actually glad to go back on Tuesdays, because Emily’s assistant, Vicki, will be working with me again, and she’s a lot of fun to work with.
    I’ve updated the flash briefings that I do for Bionews Services, and will begin working on my next video, which should be up on my YouTube channel next Sunday. Click HERE to go the flash briefings.
    I hope that all of you had a fantastic week. Do something for yourself this upcoming week that will make you a better person. God bless you, and I’ll see you next Sunday.
    michael-morale replied 5 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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