New Netflix Docuseries: A Must Watch!
Hi all. I just wanted to share a series I binge-watched over the weekend! It’s called Lenox Hill, and it’s on Netflix.
It’s a docuseries that follows 4 physicians (2 neurosurgeons, an OBGYN, and an ER doctor) around a Manhattan hospital. It was fascinating to watch. And as someone who is often a patient, I found it really interesting to get a bird’s eye view of where I usually am in hospital settings. The different perspective was refreshing.
Not going to lie, there were times in the series where I actually teared up. To see these doctors so dedicated to their patients and personally invested in their well-being reminded me how lucky I have been to have (mostly) had such a great team follow my case throughout my life. I am forever indebted to them.
Have you seen the show yet? There is a lot of blood and brain surgeries you’ll see, so it could be a little triggering to some. If not, I highly recommend it.
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