• No Period…Period

    Posted by deann-r on September 23, 2021 at 8:00 am

    Disclaimer, this topic is for the ladies. How do you deal with your period? Shortly after high school I discovered this miraculous thing called the Depo shot. Without going into much detail (you can Google it) it’s a contraception where you get a shot every 3 months. As a side benefit for many it stops their period as it has for me. It doesn’t agree with everyone, but works for me. I haven’t had my period since and frankly don’t want it ever again. After my annual visit with the doctor he’s concerned about the bone density issue associated with it. I guess it’s one of the “black box” warnings.

    He’d like me to consider other options, but I’m not really interested. My bones already suck, so I can’t see how the shot would be that detrimental. The two options he mentioned are the pill (which I can’t swallow pills) or an IUD (no thanks.) Are there other alternatives?

    While trying to convince me how important bone density is he mentions the risk of spine fractures. Uh, I have a spinal fusion. Don’t think that’ll be an issue. So, that’s another question. Do you worry about bone density? For now my consideration on the issue is enough to continue with the depo shot. I don’t know for how long though.

    aimee replied 3 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • alyssa-silva

    September 23, 2021 at 8:38 am

    Hey DeAnn. I’m on the pill and can’t swallow them either. If you can break it with your teeth, great. If not, I have someone take a spoon and crush it into a couple of pieces and swallow it that way. The pill is tiny so swallowing it broken is 100% doable. I’m sure you could crush it even further. They say that messes up the effectiveness of the pill but I haven’t had a period in 3 years. I did have breakthrough bleeding prior to that about once a year for the first few years. If you go the pill route, make sure you take one that’s progesterone only because the pills with estrogen can cause blood clots. And since we sit all day we’re more prone to them. I take norethindrone.

  • aimee

    September 23, 2021 at 9:21 am

    Can I hijack your thread and ask how to manage when you actually have a period?  I’ve been meaning to post about this!  My daughter with SMA is 11 and I think her period will be coming soon.  We’ve talked about it a lot, but I realized I’m completely unprepared for how to deal with bathroom trips, especially in public where we don’t have accomodations like we do at home.  She can sit unassisted but is too small to sit on an actual toilet seat by herself so going to the bathroom and public has already been tricky.  Any advice would be appreciated!  (Also, I’m on a progesterone-only pill right now and am still having a period ????)

    • yvette-haas

      September 23, 2021 at 11:15 am

      Public restrooms don’t make ANYTHING easier, especially during a week where bathroom trips are already more complicated. Luckily, I very rarely have to use a bathroom that doesn’t have a big counter for me to transfer to, before and after being held on the toilet, but I understand your concern. Unfortunately, I don’t have any magic tricks to make it any easier for you, but I do suggest not worrying too much about it, either now or when the time comes. As with everything in our lives, we just have to figure out a way to get through the hard stuff so we can get back to having fun. I’m not sure how often your daughter is away from home or school and needing to use a less accommodating bathroom… But personally, I average maybe two days where I would really not be thrilled about needing to go in a different restroom. By day three, there’s not much mess to deal with. Attitude helps, so as long as she and whoever is helping her just remember that it’s all totally normal and not gross or a problem, it will probably not be traumatic for anyone. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t after a few months, and then you will probably continue to discover new tricks forever. It’ll be okay.

    • deann-r

      September 24, 2021 at 9:34 am

      Like I said, it’s been ages since I had a period. I’m sure products have come a long way. I wasn’t comfortable with tampons, so just used pads. On heavy days I found two pads helpful. One in the middle as usual and continuing on with one toward the back. That way it wasn’t as risky pulling down pants. Like Yvette said, you’ll find what works best for you. It’s no fun, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

  • kelly-miller

    September 23, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    I am, thank goodness, finished with all of that! I actually started going thru menopause sometime in my 40s and by 52, no more periods. When I was of such an age, I tried the depo shot that had just come out. Unfortunately, I was in that very small percentage who continued to still have a period. In fact, I got to have mine EVERYDAY for a month before I called a halt to that little experiment. The only other choice of contraception at the time was the pill, besides an IUD (no thank you), so I went back to dealing with “the visitor” every month until they developed the patches. This is where I give a nod to you, DeAnn. You get 3 in a box that you apply 1 to the back of your shoulder or the lower back directly above a butt cheek. My Dr was cool and allowed me to get several boxes at once. If you follow the directions, you stick a new one (small transparent square) on at the beginning of each week. During the 4th week, no sticker, and you get your period; however if you just keep putting them on each week, it actually is more effective than depo at stopping your period. As long as your Dr is willing to prescribe one set after another, you can potentially not have a period anymore.

    As far as your question Aimee, I think it depends on what your daughter is comfortable with. I used pads, which can be a little bit of a problem if she moves around, getting out of her chair at school or home. It’s trial and error that would work better on weekends to figure out which brand is her preference. I had trained my body since 1st grade to not need to pee all day until I got home, thus alleviating the need for help or mess out in public. I can say tho, this isn’t recommended by anyone in the med profession, but we all do what we gotta do. When I got older (I started my period at age 12) I tried tampons, but they were uncomfortable as well as dangerous health-wise to wear the 8+ hours until I got home. That’s when I began trying the birth control methods. It’s really going to be like Yvette said. As long as everyone stays calm and remembers it’s another experience in a lifetime of experiences, it will work itself out. Getting to the bone density predicament, I had a Dr too who brought the subject up. He ran a scan, and my numbers were so amazingly low, I had to laugh when the Dr told me! To me, there were so many other things to worry about that I took this one off the list. There are only so many hours in the day. I can say that’s another to weigh the pros and cons against your own body’s behavior and your personal preferences.

    • deann-r

      September 24, 2021 at 9:36 am

      I haven’t heard of the patch. I’ll have to look into it.

  • aimee

    September 27, 2021 at 8:53 am

    I just talked to a friend that said she has a birth control implant in her arm and she hasn’t had a period in years! ????????‍♀️

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