Standing up for Biogen
I receive emails from a group called Change.org. Some of you may know that this group sends out requests for signatures on petitions for people who are in unusually difficult situations and need something done by lawmakers. Sometimes the petition is asking to make a new bill to be taken to Congress for voting, and sometimes it’s a request for signatures to change an existing law. The email has a link to the website for Change.org where you can read about a particular story regarding someone’s request. This method has been very successful in bringing all sorts of things to the attention of our Representatives that might not otherwise have gone across their desks.
Here’s where my problem starts. I often click on the button taking me to Change.org from my email in order to see what story is being highlighted for that day. I have signed several petitions that I strongly supported, and I have bypassed several petitions because I didn’t agree with their viewpoint. A few months ago I came across the campaign of a young girl’s father. Her name is Zahra, and her father has written a petition to Biogen asking them to either reduce the price for Spinraza or somehow make it available to Zahra … “before she dies!”
Zahra was diagnosed with SMA type II when she was 16 months old. She is currently 6 years old. The petition shows pictures of a very cute girl who has the look of a young child with SMA. They have shown pictures of her in her wheelchair, standing with her back brace & leg splints on at the top of a set of stairs, and being held to look out a window with her grandmother. Her father narrates the story, telling us that her body is deteriorating by the minute, “… which is a terminal, degenerative disease, that takes away a child’s ability to walk, stand, sit, eat, breathe, and even swallow.” Her mother gives another heartfelt perspective saying, “Time is of essence for us. Her disease is progressive. She loses more cells and neurons day by day.”
My disagreement with the way this is being portrayed is not that her dad wants to get the treatment for his daughter. I have a problem with the way they are going about doing it. I have spent my entire life fighting to be seen as a productive member of society. I have worked at a career until my health caused me to stop. I have gotten married, and I have socialized with friends and family. I have lived as anyone else would in the United States in spite of an early diagnosis of SMA type II. And with 1 petition, consisting of 3 paragraphs, someone has taken any progress that was made in teaching society that we are regular people with regular dreams, hopes, & desires down to the notion that we are fighting impending death and should be viewed as living on borrowed time.
What her father conveniently leaves out of his request (it has been casually mentioned in more recent updates) is that Zahra lives in Iran. Because of financial sanctions on Iran, due to their political and humanitarian stances, apparently no bank wants to deal with getting money raised for her injections to her family. Reportedly, banks do not trust Iran and will not transfer money from donations of more than 500,000 per year to a bank in that country. There is also logistical problems with getting her Spinraza because Iran has not approved the drug to be used in that country. It’s just like when our FDA will not approve a particular treatment in the US. Now, Zahra’s father is attacking Biogen for all of this. He has convinced more than 255,300 people to sign the petition requesting Biogen give a discount or compassionate use of Spinraza for his little girl who they “really hope the treatment will make her a normal child,” so they can start to “plan a normal future for her.” These signatures have also come with comments toward Biogen. What appears to be more than 90% of the comments saying that the company is terrible, horrible, doesn’t care about dying kids, only cares about money, should have their leaders shot, should have their own children suffer from this disease.
I don’t know about y’all, but this type of fundraising and making people aware of SMA really irks me! First, I don’t think Biogen should be blamed for what’s going on here. They have nothing to do with financial sanctions by the US govt or banks on Iran. They also have no control over the fact that the money Zahra’s father raised suddenly lost value because the monetary system in Iran crashed. Secondly, I really dislike it when people act like we are constantly on the edge of death (especially as a young child) when the prognosis for life expectancy for someone with type II can be right in line with the average American. This little girl is more than likely not going to be walking anytime soon, even if she does get the injections, and she will need to be taught that she can live as much of a normal life as she strives for. She needs to be encouraged to look forward to her life instead of looking toward her death.
As you can see, I’m on my soapbox about this. I feel very strongly when it comes to things like this. I left the MDA as a supporter because I could not stand to watch them put young kids in front of television cameras and get them to talk about pain and dying. I understand this raises money and awareness because it plays on the heartstrings of the people who will donate, but I do not agree with this type of method of doing it, no matter how much money or how many shots it will raise.
What are your thoughts on it?
If you would like to read either of the stories, message me & I will give you the links to the Wall Street Journal story, as well as the Change.org petition. I wasn’t sure if I should put them on here are not, so I didn’t.
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