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  • Stomach Issues on Evrysdi

    Posted by deann-r on January 8, 2021 at 11:00 am

    Typically I don’t pay much attention to medication side effects. However because my stomach can be sensitive I’m acutely aware a main side effect of Evrysdi is diarrhea. Low and behold a week into taking it, it happens. Agunk, my stomach sinks and I get that gotta go sooner rather than later feeling. Typically it’s shortly after I eat. It’s been like that for a week and a half now. So far I’ve been able to ward off any major accidents. It’s really difficult though when going to the bathroom is a process in and of itself. As per directed I take my dose after a meal. Although I notified my doctor, they didn’t really have advice for me. Fingers crossed it’s not a long term issue. I don’t know how I could manage if it was. Has anyone else had tummy troubles? How have you managed it?

    Otherwise Evrysdi is going well. No major changes, but I didn’t expect much. Not sure if this will make sense or not, but I’d say I have more muscle sensation. Again nothing significant, but it seems like if I use a muscle a lot I can “feel the burn” sort of speak whereas I never did before. I recall feeling this after the Spinraza loading doses, but it didn’t last. These are just my personal experiences though. Feel free to share yours below.

    joane replied 3 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • kip-troendle

    January 8, 2021 at 11:17 am

    Oh, DeAnn!  You hit on a topic I’m dealing with, too.  I’ve been on Risdiplam/Evrysdi since 08/13/20.  From my experience, the stomach yucky feelings will subside, but the diarrhea has not.  If anything, my bowels seem to have “awakened” and I’d rather they go back to the way they were.  I’ve tried cutting back on Miralax, but that hasn’t helped.  My next try is chewable Pepto-Bismol ever-other day.  I want to try everything possible before going off the Evrysdi all together.  Wish I had better news!  🙁

  • alyssa-silva

    January 8, 2021 at 11:45 am

    This has been one of the main reasons why I’m hesitant to make the switch as I have a truckload of GI issues. Thank you for being transparent here DeAnn and Kip. Let’s just say I have the opposite problem of diarrhea, motility is SO slow. I heard bananas can be a contributing factor, so I avoid them. I wonder if it would help you guys at all??

  • kip-troendle

    January 8, 2021 at 12:05 pm

    For me, green bananas firm things up, ripe bananas move things along.  It’s a tricky line!  🙂

  • kelly-miller

    January 8, 2021 at 12:47 pm

    That really is frustrating I imagine, DeAnn and Kip. I’ve been taking Evrysdi since Xmas Eve, and my stomach issues are a little different. Like you Alyssa, I normally don’t go but every so often, but this is making me go about once a week. I don’t take anything for constipation or eat any differently to go more often b/c my body is adjusted to that rate. I would suggest cutting way back on any “assistive” things in that area (Kip, have you tried no Miralax?) just to see how that works. I’m certainly no doctor, so these are just suggestions when I say them.

    My stomach problem has been nausea. At first it was to the point of wanting to throw up. I’ve trained my body, again, to not do that if I’m sitting up in my chair. I can’t stop it if I’m laying down, so maybe it’s really a gravity thing. Anyway, that severity died down after about 2 days, and now it’s gotten to a slight feeling of blah queasiness everyday after I take the med. I’m into some natural remedies (altho my dear SMA friend who really is into them would probably beg to differ), so I take a little nugget of crystallized ginger. This is in the spice aisle during T’giving and Xmas, otherwise you might find it there or in the baking aisle, at least at my grocery. It works splendidly! Maybe that would help with diarrhea.

    DeAnn, I completely understand what you’re saying about your muscles burning. While I don’t have that exact feeling, mine want to move! I have this sensation of wanting to do something. Normally, the only things I can move other than my facial muscles are my fingers, a little. Now on a good day, I can move my right foot, albeit a very small amount. It’s pretty cool! It’s only been 2.5 weeks, so I’m not getting my hopes up on that. But this other feeling of “wanting to move” is there quite often. It’s like my brain is telling the muscles to get ready to do something! I’m cautiously optimistic. Anyone else experienced this weirdness?

    • kip-troendle

      January 11, 2021 at 11:41 am

      Yes!  I have experienced exactly what you’ve described.  I can somewhat feel my muscles tense up, wanting to do something.  Thanks for your reply, Kelly!  And thanks for the ginger suggestion!  I forgot how good that is for calming the stomach.  I also use peppermint essential oil which also calms the stomach.

  • deann-r

    January 11, 2021 at 3:16 pm

    Thanks for all the feedback! Obviously everyone’s experience is unique but I think it’s important to share as many times others do have similar experiences. Plus it’s important for those like Alyssa who haven’t made the switch. Kip, I was hoping you’d say it would subside. I’ll have to figure out how to manage it I guess. Great suggestions Kelly. I do think I’ll have to make a dietary change. Hopefully that will help. Kelly, not sure if it’s the same, but for a couple nights I had to have someone stretch my legs out just because they felt like they needed moving. Highly unusual for me.

  • zicari

    January 14, 2021 at 1:20 pm

    Yikes. Diarrhea may be a deal breaker for me.

    In trying to decide whether to begin a treatment (for any of the available new drugs), what I really want to know is whether or not adults are actually gaining or regaining any practical function. As an example, up to about 4 years ago I could shave my own face. It got harder and harder until I had to turn that duty over. I can still brush my teeth but that’s beginning to slip. Just getting back little things that keep me more independent of others is my goal (that and becoming salsa dance champion).

    Retaining function is important too, but it’s hard to measure whether or when I would have lost a particular ability in the future. If I get an ability back that I lost, however – then I know the drug is working.

    • deann-r

      January 15, 2021 at 10:33 am

      Zicari, your post reminded me of my mindset before I started Spinraza. Although I tried keeping my expectations low, it’s hard not letting your mind go to the “what ifs”. What if I could do this again? Or what if I could do that again? Of course everyone’s experience is unique, but I do think with adults it’s more difficult to have significant gains. If you consider what the medication aims to do, fix the glitch in the SMN2 gene, it’s plausible to halt or slow the progression which in itself is pretty remarkable. However because so much of the damage is already done it’s difficult to get that back. Someone told me that it’s not certain if those connections are dead or just dormant. So there is hope. Like I said in my last video I view it like a telephone connection. Now the muscles are getting a clear message they won’t be as likely to hang up the phone. However, getting them to pick up again after so many bad calls is the tricky part. Some might not even be around to answer anymore. Hopefully my analogy makes sense.

      • zicari

        January 20, 2021 at 9:49 am

        Your phone analogy is perfect and very helpful!

        Although it does remind me of all the girls that hung up on me over the years…

  • davida

    January 22, 2021 at 7:17 pm

    Hi I was wondering if anyone has had any issues with getting colds while talking Evrysdi? i’m thinking of starting it and was just inquiry if anyone knew if it suppresses your immune system? Thanks

  • amy-olmscheid

    January 25, 2021 at 8:05 pm

    Hello!   I have been taking Evrysdi for two weeks.  I have had some mild GI issues but adjusted my diet for a bit and things have been getting back to normal. I haven’t noticed any other side effects.  It think it is too soon to notice any particular outcomes, although I may have a bit more energy.

  • joane

    February 12, 2021 at 11:50 am

    Good afternoon everyone. I have just started to have diarrhea problems and noticeable weakness in my arms.I was on spinraza for about 4 years and I wish I had stayed on it even though it is a pain to get to the hospital,whole procedure during the day but was grateful for it I went on Evrysdi the beginning of November and just started to have these issues, so maybe I have a bug I am just not sure at this point. I also did notice a slight Improvement on spinraza so I may be switching back to it

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