Wheelchair Breakdown
Late last night, my chair broke down due to a joystick error. I’m fortunate in that I have a terrific wheelchair mechanic, and this turned out to be an easy fix. Ironically, my BiPap machine malfunctioned literally moments later. My BiPap quickly started working, and my chair was fixed late this morning, so, while I was bed ridden for the morning, neither incident turned into anything too catastrophic. Still, occurrences like these remind me of how delicate my life truly is. It’s not an exaggeration to say that my ability to live is reliant upon my chair and medical equipment, and that’s unsettling to think about. At any given time, those things can fail, and it might happen at a more inopportune time than what I described here. What if I were in downtown Portland crossing the street and my chair decided to quit working? What if my BiPap breaks, and insurance won’t buy a new one? I’ve already had insurance deny my chair, and it was a scary time. I don’t mean to be Johnny Raincloud and bombard you with worst case scenarios, but these are concerns I have to consider as someone living with a disability. I want to encourage you not to take these things for granted. I know I do often times.
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