Wheelable Shower Chair
Happy Friday everyone!
I know I haven’t been as active here this week, as I’ve been on a mini-trip with my parents. I’ll write more about it next week.
I did want to mention that I started using this shower chair for trips: https://www.accessiblebathroomsinc.com/store/WheelAble-Commode-Shower-Chair-p128906084.
The shower chair I have at home works great, but it’s a hassle to travel with. It’s difficult to take apart and put back together, and it doesn’t always roll easily in hotel rooms.
This one folds easily, making it ideal for travel. It also rolls well. The disadvantage is that it’s less comfortable, and the armrests are pretty low. I had a hard time getting adjusted in it, but I got used to it after a few days. Overall, I’d recommend it for traveling, as the convenience of it is superior to other models.
Has anyone here tried this model?
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