Life, One Cup at a Time - a Column by Alyssa Silva

Diagnosed at 5 months of age, Alyssa has set out to raise awareness about life with SMA Type I through writing. By getting personal and being open about her trials and triumphs, she wants the world to know that SMA can put up a good fight, but we can always fight back exceedingly harder. Aside from writing, Alyssa is the community director for an adaptive fashion brand and has founded her own nonprofit called Working On Walking. In her free time, she enjoys discovering new coffee shops within a 50-mile radius of her hometown in Rhode Island.

Why I’m Sticking to Spinraza for Now

It’s officially August, which is kind of hard to believe. Nonetheless, many people in the SMA community have anticipated this month for quite some time. Not only is it SMA Awareness Month, but it is also when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was expected to…

What Working at Bionews Has Taught Me

This is going to be a tough truth to admit, mostly because I’m still a little embarrassed by it all these years later. But, here we go. When I was originally offered this role as a columnist for Bionews — the company that publishes this website — I turned…

Teaching Children About My Disability

It’s no question that children are curious little people, and as someone in a wheelchair, I have often witnessed their curiosity. If I were to guess, I’d assume disabilities aren’t something they’ve seen in their short little lifetimes. As a result, they stare and allow their curiosity to get the…

I Hope Telemedicine Is Here to Stay

As I’m sure most of us can attest, the world is a messy place right now. It is impossible to ignore. While I have never experienced anything as unprecedented as these times, I have experienced the messiness of life with SMA. I’m finding myself leaning on past experiences to help…

Recent Health Issues Leave Me Guessing

For the past few months, I have been experiencing some debilitating health issues. I’ve spoken with my doctors. I’ve tried different medications. And while as a team, we have figured out ways to give my body some reprieve at times, the root issue has yet to be diagnosed and resolved.

My Own Kind of Digital Detox

Digital detoxes are all the rage these days, and for a good reason. If you didn’t already know, a digital detox is time spent disconnecting from all devices with a screen — smartphones, computers, and television to name a few — for a certain period. Whether…

Why I’m Hesitant to Take New Medications

There’s a brand new medication currently waiting for me on my kitchen counter. I see it every single day. I debate taking it. I chicken out. I’ve developed some health issues in recent weeks (thank you, stress) that prompted me to have my first telemedicine conference call with my team…

Finding Unexpected Solace Amid Social Isolation

The other day, I read one of my old columns and thought to myself, “Honey, if you only knew what was to come.” My January column, “Please Stop Glorifying Being Homebound,” was all about how I spend every winter hunkered down in my home to avoid…

Letting Love Light My Way Through the Unknown

I was scrolling through Instagram recently and found myself growing increasingly bitter about what I saw. People were congregated on beaches, packed like sardines in bars, and carrying on with their lives as if a global pandemic wasn’t happening around them. At this point, the novel coronavirus needs no introduction.