Life, One Cup at a Time - a Column by Alyssa Silva

Diagnosed at 5 months of age, Alyssa has set out to raise awareness about life with SMA Type I through writing. By getting personal and being open about her trials and triumphs, she wants the world to know that SMA can put up a good fight, but we can always fight back exceedingly harder. Aside from writing, Alyssa is the community director for an adaptive fashion brand and has founded her own nonprofit called Working On Walking. In her free time, she enjoys discovering new coffee shops within a 50-mile radius of her hometown in Rhode Island.

Chronic Ear Infections Put a Damper on Life

Another day, another opportunity to go through a box of tissues to wipe the drainage coming out of my ears. Is that how the saying goes? That may have come across a bit grotesque, but unfortunately, it is my current reality. In my last column, I…

Celebrating My Zebra Spots on Rare Disease Day

Recently, I learned that zebras are the official symbol of rare diseases. I have a rare disease, and my unique characteristics — such as a zebra’s stripes — serve a distinct purpose in my life. But when I think of zebras, I think of one brilliant doctor, whose comical bedside…

On Being in Tune with My Body

All my life I’ve been freakishly in tune with my body. It sounds like a great quality to have, right? I’ve always been hyperaware of my symptoms and can spot when something in my body feels off. This bodes well when it comes to viruses and other types of illnesses…

Please Stop Glorifying Being Homebound

As I write this, I’ve been home for 11 days. Actually, let me rephrase that. I haven’t left this house so much as to go outside to get some fresh air, feel the sunlight gently grace my skin, or see what the outside world has been up to for the…

The Unexpected Feeling a Bookstore Gave Me

I was recently strolling through the best-sellers section of a bookstore and couldn’t remember the last time I had set foot in one. I had just stopped in for the Starbucks coffee. However, while my personal care assistant ran to the bathroom, I decided to peruse the book display near…

I’m Learning to Find Gratitude in Unexpected Ways

In this season of giving thanks, I keep reflecting on the importance of gratitude. Gratitude greatly impacts our lives, but as someone with SMA, I’ve found the concept easier said than done. At the risk of sounding harsh, on some days I feel as though there is absolutely nothing in…

Autumn Brings a Bittersweet Feeling

It is truly the most wonderful time of the year. As you read these words, I hope that you are envisioning me spinning in my wheelchair, wearing an oversized cardigan with leaves falling all around me, and resting a pumpkin spice latte on my footplate. When it comes to autumn,…