
Life Before and After Spinraza, Part 1

If I asked you right now to tell me what your life’s defining moments were, what would you choose? Would it be something that left you feeling content and hopeful? Or would it be something more dark and gloomy? Each of us has moments when it’s almost as…

She’s Musical

Ella sits in the waiting room every Monday at 3:30 p.m. as Ava and Henry receive their instrument lessons. Ava plays the violin and Henry the piano. While she waits, Ella either reads or plays on her iPad, practicing patience. At home, Ava and Henry are to practice…

The Most-Asked Question when Strangers See Me

Living with SMA or any kind of visible disability means that numerous awkward conversations inevitably will occur. It’s simply one of the things that happens when you’re in a wheelchair, especially when talking with kids or really, really dumb adults. Yet with all the odd comments and questions…

When Life Gave Me Lemons

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” We’ve all heard this saying. It has been repeated and engraved into our brains. It teaches us to take the bitterness of life and learn to make it sweet again. Rise above our adversities and choose to lead a positive and…

New Wheels for Ella

“How come Ava and Henry get to go to their friends’ houses and I don’t?” cried Ella as Henry left to visit a friend. “It’s just not fair!” As Ella grows older, her needs change, mature, and expand. She’s at an age when she wants…

When Hospital Roles Are Reversed

“All right, Alyssa, let’s see how quickly we can do this,” I shouted to my assistant, who conveniently shares my name. I had exactly one hour to get flowers at the local supermarket and get to the hospital to visit my grandfather before his physical therapy appointment. So…