
That Pesky Pre-Spinraza Injection Fatigue

When I began my journey with Spinraza (nusinersen) in November 2017, I had little more than an inkling about what to expect. At the time, I was more concerned with the procedure than the potential benefits. The idea of letting a radiologist stick…

Why I’m Hesitant to Take New Medications

There’s a brand new medication currently waiting for me on my kitchen counter. I see it every single day. I debate taking it. I chicken out. I’ve developed some health issues in recent weeks (thank you, stress) that prompted me to have my first telemedicine conference call with my team…

The Blue Typhoon

Here in the Midwest, “going for a drive” is an authentic thing. When the tall grass gleams in the golden hour of a lazy Sunday afternoon, countryside rustic roads beckon people to roll their windows down, ignite the engine, and explore. In our current times, the splendor of this activity…

May Baby, Special Delivery

I’m a May baby (actually, May senior citizen is a bit more accurate). I love having a May birthday. From wrapping up spring semesters before my birthday way back in college, to getting back to outdoor activities after winter confinement, and to my birthday falling on the heels of…

Ella Flourishes Despite SMA

Ella has not been out of the house for weeks. She spends much of her time doing schoolwork. Every morning, her teacher has a class meeting on Zoom. Ella tunes in to get the day’s lesson. When the meeting is over, she immediately gets…

Managing SMA Is Like an Ongoing Chess Match

Puzzles are all the rage these days. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, countless friends on my social media have turned to jigsaw puzzles as a newfound hobby. This particular pastime requires mental focus and time, and as such provides people with a welcome distraction from the…