Social Clips

SMA News Today: A Look Back at 2017

With the holiday season in full swing, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a look back at 2017. It’s been a year full of ups and downs, and while there were definitely quite a few low moments, there were certainly quite a few highs. To celebrate the year that was,…

Adults With SMA: Hugo Trevino

Hugo Trevino is a prominent spokesperson within the SMA community, and currently works as a resource specialist for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. After completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Illinois, he’s now pursuing a Master’s degree at Loyola University in Chicago. The following is an interview with Hugo,…

Artist Invents Cool Kid Tool for Wheelchair Painting

In this HuffPost video, artist Dwayne Szot shares his amazing painting invention. Szot wanted children with disabilities to experience the joys of art but knew that many could not hold pens or brushes. With his artist mind at work, he fashioned a way for kids to make colorful art using their own…

Nonprofit Strives to Empower People With Disabilities

The nonprofit organization Living Beyond Boundaries Inc. recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. Based in San Jose, California and founded by Greg Landers, this organization aims to provide things like life coaching and vocational training for people with disabilities all around the world. MORE: Online volunteering opportunities for SMA patients…

More Tips for Dealing With SMA-Related Depression

Sometimes spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) leads to mood disorders such as major depressive disorder (MDD) or dysthymia. We recently compiled some tips for dealing with SMA-related depression; and this week, we’re sharing a few more. MORE: Three tips for dealing with SMA-related depression Get social It…

How Cough-Assist Machines Help With SMA

In this Fight SMA video, Dr. Nanci Yuan talks about the role of cough-assist machines in the treatment of children with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). She explains that the cough-assist machine is used primarily for two functions: to clear mucus and for chest expansion. MORE: The answers to five of the…

Online Volunteering Opportunities for SMA Patients

There is plenty of evidence that volunteering can be good for one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. The Corporation for National and Community Service, Habitat for Humanity, and Harvard University have all espoused the benefits of volunteer work. For SMA patients, however, it’s not as…

3 Tips for SMA Patients to Manage Sleep Apnea

According to a 2016 study published by Sleep Medicine, about one in six young people with SMA types 2 and 3 exhibit some kind of sleep disorder. As the muscles deteriorate in SMA patients, breathing difficulties and trouble sleeping are common side effects. Nevertheless, there are ways to manage…