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Adults With SMA: Hayleigh Barclay

  This video from Muscular Dystrophy UK is all about Hayleigh Barclay. Hayleigh is a 27-year-old woman from South Ayrshire, Scotland, who has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 2. MORE: Spinraza recommended for approval in Europe Hayleigh’s passion is music and film. She just graduated with a university…

Caring for a Child With SMA When They Have a Cold

According to Cure SMA, there are several areas of care that need to be taken into consideration when looking after a child with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) when they have a cold. These areas include: Evaluating mucus buildup and secretion mobilization When children with SMA have a cold,…

3 Pieces of Advice for Acquiring a New Wheelchair

Purchasing a new wheelchair is no easy feat. In addition to getting your insurance provider to cover the cost, you also have to make sure that the chair you are acquiring will meet your needs and has all of the proper accommodations. Read this article from the Washington Post by…

5 Tips for Going to School When You Have SMA

Living with SMA no doubt presents numerous challenges, but as they say, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” A good education is just as important for SMA patients as it is for able-bodied students. Many go to public school from Kindergarten to high school, and go on to graduate…

SMA Stories: Meet Stella Bartlett

Stella Bartlett is a little girl from Toronto, who was diagnosed with type 2 spinal muscular atrophy when she was just a baby. The gutsy 7-year-old is grabbing life by the horns, attending school and listening to her favorite music by artists like Taylor Swift, Katie Perry and One Direction.