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Are you still taking COVID precautions?
Posted by alyssa-silva on September 12, 2023 at 10:50 amCOVID is on the rise again. Though I hear it’s not as bad of an uptick in comparison to last year. I knew this was inevitable, especially given the fact that kids have been starting school again these past few weeks. Even so, I wish it would just go away despite knowing it likely never will. 😂
How are you handling the virus? Are you still taking precautions or are you back into your old routine now?
alyssa-silva replied 1 year, 6 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
I had Covid a month ago. Both my wife and I had stopped wearing masks during the spring. I still have a cough but overall it was not terrible.
I wore a mask until after my 2 negative tests. Now I am avoiding large groups, but am no longer taking other precautions. Still I have a supply of kn-95 masks in case it grows worse.
Glad to hear it was relatively mild Dennis. This was your first encounter with Covid?
I’ll get the booster but otherwise nothing special. My hibernation mode is about to start, so I don’t get out much anyway. My biggest risk is caregivers coming in, and I’m already dealing with their “allergies.” I highly suspect it’s more than that but I’m short staffed at the moment. Just wish she hadn’t touched every cheese stick before she complained about a tickle in her throat. I am stocking up on sanitizing wipes! Too bad you can’t wipe down cheese sticks.
How about you? Do you get the vaccine? Take other precautions?
I believe, and my doctors agree, that I had it while I was in Beth Israel Winter 2019 into 2020. That time was horrible and worse, they did not know what it was or what to do about it.
Fortunately, my recovery only took about 3 weeks , most of that at home sitting up since if I lay down my oxygen level dropped dangerously.
I’m glad you’re on the upswing Dennis. Oddly, my oxygen levels drop when I’m sitting up and sick. It has always been a head-scratcher for my doctors. Laying down, I feel like I can expand my lungs best.
I’ll get the new vaccines at my earliest convenience to stay on top of the latest strains as much as possible. Aside from that I’ll just be my regular germaphobe self.
The uptick is also caused by a new variant. It’s important to get the booster which has just been approved by the FDA. Get your influenza vaccine at the same time and protect yourself this winter.
Just last week, I went to Target for the first time without a mask. I went right when they opened so I wouldn’t be around too many people. A couple of days later, I came down with a head cold and have been fighting it ever since. Of course, I don’t know if I picked it up at Target. But it’s a good reminder that my resistance is low and I need to be smart about what I do.
I’ll be getting the vaccine soon too before I go into full hibernation mode in a couple of months. Any idea when it’ll be available to us?
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