Dose 9 a Success!
If you’ve been following my Spinraza journey you’ll know a couple things. As with many SMAers my blood is difficult to find (unless you’re a mosquito) and I’ve had transportation problems. Luckily neither of these were issues for dose 9.
Having same day labs made me nervous, but she found my blood with one poke! Surprise, surprise the virgin isn’t pregnant. Because my injection is done with CT guidance they want confirmation I’m not “with child.” Although that’s not the only thing they check, that’s why I decided to do same day labs. Otherwise I’d have to get blood drawn twice.
My less than reliable transportation company got the boot. Trying something new is always scary, but in this case it was so worth it. Better maintained vehicles and a great driver. What a relief.
Although the procedure isn’t totally pain free, it’s probably as close to it as I can imagine. Got the brief zing to my toe as the needle got close, but that’s about it. The procedure itself takes 20-30 minutes, followed by an hour of laying flat afterwards (probably the most difficult part.)
A 10 hour day for a 20 minute procedure hardly seems worth is sometimes. But then on the two hour ride home my left hand was twitching and having spasms for a bit. I could just tell it was like my muscles responding to getting messages again after the last dose wearing off. Everyone’s experience is unique, so this isn’t to say this will happen to you. For me it was confirmation that yes, it’s worth it.
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