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  • The Morale Monologue #8 – Tips On Hiring A Caregiver

    Posted by michael-morale on September 19, 2018 at 6:41 am

    In this episode of the Morale Monologue, I’m going to be giving you my tips on hiring a caregiver. Whether you are hiring a caregiver to be with you for a few hours each day, or if you are hiring a live-in caregiver that will be with you 24 hours a day, this is something that most of those who are affected by SMA will have to face at one time or another in our life.

    This process can be extremely frustrating, and my presentation will give you some tips on what you need to look for when you are searching for that one particular person that will help you in your day-to-day living. While these tips are the ones that I use when searching for my caregiver, please keep in mind that everyone will have different requirements, and this is something that you need to sit down and discuss with your family and friends before starting this process.

    Be sure to subscribe to the SMA News Today YouTube channel so that you don’t miss an episode of this vlog, and you can also connect with me right here on the forums page.

    kevin-schaefer replied 5 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • deann-r

    September 19, 2018 at 11:36 am

    Good tips Michael.  Although I don’t necessarily follow all of them, I probably would if I lived in a bigger city.  After a phone interview I do have them come to my home for an interview.  Usually I do have people who know I’m interviewing so just check in afterwards.  Going through an agency where I choose the candidate but they do the background checks has taken that burden from me.  I did allow someone to work for me who had her license revoked due to DWI, but she was totally upfront about it, and they don’t drive me so as long as they could get here and were sober I was fine with it.  Your best tip I would say is to trust your instincts.  I’ve had instances where I had reservations but gave them a shot anyway.  Bet you can guess how that worked out.


  • kevin-schaefer

    September 19, 2018 at 1:01 pm

    Great video Michael! I wrote a column about my caregiver experiences last year:

    Hiring caregivers can be a complex and stressful process for sure, but you do a great job explaining how it works here. Thanks for doing this.

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